COSTR Costed Roster Report

Name Position Option Default Description
Costed Roster Report Parameters 14 N or blank   Run the report as the Budget vs Actual Report
    Y   Run the report as the Costed Roster Report
  15 P  

Calculate the cost per employee using the Payroll Type defined in the Time Code Maintenance window.

  • If the Time Code is mapped to an Hours Type then use the Rate and Pay Rate to Use from the Hours Type Codes window when calculating Rostered Money and Actual Money.
  • If the Time Code is mapped to an Allowance Code then use the Allowance Rate defined in the Allow/Deduct Codes window.
    T or blank   Calculate the cost per employee using the Rate defined from the Time Code Maintenance window, if a value is not defined then use the rate defined in the Allowance Rate field from the Allow/Deduct Codes window.
  • Position 15 and 16 is only applicable if position 14 is set to Y, otherwise it is ignored.